Registration Form for RDP 2011

array (0 => 380, 1 => 450, 2 => 250, 3 => 300), "RTA" => array (0 => 270, 1 => 300, 2 => 150, 3 => 180), "TLCA" => array (0 => 270, 1 => 300, 2 => 150, 3 => 180), "None" => array (0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0), "ws1" => array (0 => 50, 1 => 65, 2 => 30, 3 => 50), "ws2" => array (0 => 75, 1 => 90, 2 => 40, 3 => 75) ); $title = $_REQUEST['title']; $name = $_REQUEST['name']; $fname = $_REQUEST['fname']; $affiliation = $_REQUEST['affiliation']; $address = $_REQUEST['address']; $city = $_REQUEST['city']; $postal = $_REQUEST['postal']; $country = $_REQUEST['country']; $baddress = $_REQUEST['baddress']; $bcity = $_REQUEST['bcity']; $bpostal = $_REQUEST['bpostal']; $bcountry = $_REQUEST['bcountry']; $email = $_REQUEST['email']; $cemail = $_REQUEST['cemail']; $addinfo = $_REQUEST['addinfo']; $conf = $_REQUEST['conf']; $COBRA = $_REQUEST['COBRA']; $HDTT = $_REQUEST['HDTT']; $TPDC = $_REQUEST['TPDC']; $FC = $_REQUEST['FC']; $WRS = $_REQUEST['WRS']; $IFIP = $_REQUEST['IFIP']; $IFCoLog = $_REQUEST['IFCoLog']; $acdinner = $_REQUEST['acdinner']; //$acproc = $_REQUEST['acproc']; $student = $_REQUEST['student']; if (isset($_REQUEST['title']) and (isset($_REQUEST['name']) and $name != '') and (isset($_REQUEST['fname']) and $fname != '') and (isset($_REQUEST['affiliation']) and $affiliation != '') and (isset($_REQUEST['address']) and $address != '') and (isset($_REQUEST['city']) and $city != '') and (isset($_REQUEST['postal']) and $postal != '') and isset($_REQUEST['country']) and (isset($_REQUEST['cemail']) and $cemail != '') and (isset($_REQUEST['email']) and $email != '') and ($email == $cemail) and $country != 'none' and $title != 'none') { if ($student == true) if ($late) $sel = 3; else $sel = 2; else if ($late) $sel = 1; else $sel = 0; $to = ''; $subject = 'Registration for RDP 2011'; $impala = ''; $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8' . "\r\n"; $headers .='From: '.$name.' <'.$email.'>'. "\r\n"; $message1 = $title.' '.$name.' '.$fname.'

'; $message1 .= $affiliation.'
'; $message1 .= $address.'
'; $message1 .= $city.'
'; $message1 .= $postal.'
'; $message1 .= $country.'
'; $message1 .= $email.'

'; $message1 .= 'Registered on '.$date.' for:

'; $message1 .= 'Conference: '.$conf.'
'; $total += $fees[$conf][$sel]; //if (($acproc == true) and !($conf == 'None')) $total += 30; $message1 .= 'Workshop(s): '.($COBRA == true?'COBRA ':'').($HDTT == true?'HDTT ':'').($TPDC == true?'TPDC ':'').($FC == true?'2FC ':'').($WRS == true?'WRS ':'').($IFIP == true?'IFIP WG 1.6':'').($IFCoLog == true?'IFCoLog Student Session':''); if (!($COBRA == true) and !($HDTT == true) and !($TPDC == true) and !($FC == true) and !($WRS == true) and !($IFIP == true) and !($IFCoLog == true)) $message1 .= 'None'; if ($COBRA == true) {$total += $fees["ws1"][$sel]; /* if ($acproc == true) $total += 30; */} if ($HDTT == true) {$total += $fees["ws1"][$sel]; } if ($TPDC == true) {$total += $fees["ws2"][$sel]; } if ($FC == true) {$total += $fees["ws1"][$sel]; } if ($WRS == true) {$total += $fees["ws1"][$sel]; } if ($IFIP == true) {$total += $fees["ws1"][$sel]; } if ($IFCoLog == true) {$total += $fees["ws1"][$sel]; } $message1 .= '

'; if ($acdinner == true) { $message1 .= 'Accompaning person conference dinner.

'; $total += 50; } /* if ($acproc == true) { $message1 .= 'Additional copy of the proceedings of all events.

'; } */ if ($student == true) $message1 .= 'Student.

'; if ($addinfo != '') $message1 .= 'Additional information: '.$addinfo.'

'; $message1 .= 'Total registration fee: €'.$total.'.'; $message ='Dear '.$title.' '.$name.' '.$fname.',

thank you for registering for RDP 2011.

Please do not answer to this mail.

You have decided to attend:
'; $message .= 'Conference: '.$conf.'
'; $message .= 'Workshop(s): '.($COBRA == true?'COBRA ':'').($HDTT == true?'HDTT ':'').($TPDC == true?'TPDC ':'').($FC == true?'2FC ':'').($WRS == true?'WRS ':'').($IFIP == true?'IFIP WG 1.6':'').($IFCoLog == true?'IFCoLog Student Session':''); if (!($COBRA == true) and !($HDTT == true) and !($TPDC == true) and !($FC == true) and !($WRS == true) and !($IFIP == true) and !($IFCoLog == true)) $message .= 'None'; $message .= '
'; if ($acdinner == true) $message .= 'You have decided to come to the conference dinner with an accompaning person.
'; /* if ($acproc == true) $message .= 'You have asked for the additional copy of the proceedings of all events you will attend.

'; */ if ($student == true) $message .= 'When you come to Novi Sad, please bring with you the confirmation that you are a student.
'; if ($late) $message .= 'You have registered for the conference after April 10th, 2011.
'; if ($addinfo != '') $message .= 'Additional information: '.$addinfo.'
'; /*$message .= 'If you need one(or more) additional copy(ies) for the selected event(s) please send us an email at

';*/ $message .= 'Your total registration fee is €'.$total.'.

'; $impinfo = $title.' '.$name.' '.$fname.'

'; $impinfo .= 'Affiliation: '.$affiliation.'

'; if (!isset($_REQUEST['baddress']) or $baddress == '') { $baddress = $address; $bcity = $city; $bpostal = $postal; $bcountry = $country; } $impinfo .= 'Billing address:

'; $impinfo .= 'Registered on '.$date.' for:
'; $impinfo .= 'Conference: '.$conf.'
'; $impinfo .= 'Workshop(s): '.($COBRA == true?'COBRA ':'').($HDTT == true?'HDTT ':'').($TPDC == true?'TPDC ':'').($FC == true?'2FC ':'').($WRS == true?'WRS ':'').($IFIP == true?'IFIP WG 1.6':'').($IFCoLog == true?'IFCoLog Student Session':''); if (!($COBRA == true) and !($HDTT == true) and !($TPDC == true) and !($FC == true) and !($WRS == true) and !($IFIP == true) and !($IFCoLog == true)) $impinfo .= 'None
'; $impinfo .= '
Email: '.$email.'
'; if ($addinfo != '') $impinfo .= 'Additional information: '.$addinfo.'
'; if ($acdinner == true) $impinfo .= 'Accompaning person conference dinner.
'; $impinfo .= 'Total registration fee is €'.$total.'.

'; $message .= 'You will receive an email with the Invoice and payment instruction from RDP2011 official organizing agency "Impala".

'; $message .= 'If you have any other question, send an email to

'; $message .= 'Sincerely,
RDP Organising Committee'; $osubject = $title.' '.$name.' '.$fname.' '.$conf.' '.($COBRA == true?'COBRA ':'').($HDTT == true?'HDTT ':'').($TPDC == true?'TPDC ':'').($FC == true?'2FC ':'').($WRS == true?'WRS ':'').($IFIP == true?'IFIP WG 1.6':'').($IFCoLog == true?'IFCoLog Student Session':''); $isubject = 'RDP 2011 Registration for '.$osubject; $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'From: RDP 2011 Registration<'.$to.'>'. "\r\n"; mail($email, $subject, $message, $headers ); mail( $to, $osubject, $message1, $headers ); mail($impala, $isubject, $impinfo, $headers); //echo 'sadrzaj maila onome ko se registruje:'."

"; //echo $message; //echo '

'; //echo 'sadrzaj maila organizaciji:'."

"; //echo $message1; //echo '

'; //echo 'sadrzaj maila Impali:'."

"; //echo $impinfo; //echo '

'; //echo 'sadrzaj ove strane

'; echo 'Thank you for registering for the participation in RDP 2011. You will receive the confirmation email soon.

'; $m = '

User subject: '.$subject.'


Organization subject: '.$osubject.'


Impala subject: '.$isubject.'


'; //mail($email, $subject, $m, $headers); //echo $m; } else //display the form { //echo "Neki uvodni tekst ako je potreban"; include 'reg_form.php'; } ?>